Let the Celebrations Begin! Fun Baby Shower Game Ideas

Planning a baby shower and looking for fun and engaging activities to entertain your guests? Look no further! We've compiled a list of delightful baby shower games that are sure to create lasting memories and keep everyone entertained.

Each game is simple to set up and play, ensuring that both you and your guests can relax and enjoy the celebration.

Read on for all the details, including the materials you’ll need, preparation steps, and easy-to-follow instructions. Let the games begin!

  • What you need (materials):

    • Bingo cards (can be baby-themed or blank)

    • Pens or markers

    • Small prizes for winners

    Before the party (preparations):

    Create or print baby shower bingo cards. Each card should have a grid filled with baby-related items or words.

    Prepare a list of baby-related items to call out during the game.

    How to play (instructions):

    Distribute a bingo card and a pen to each guest.

    As you call out baby-related items from your list, guests will mark off the corresponding item on their bingo cards.

    The first guest to get a complete row, column, or diagonal shouts "Bingo!" and wins a prize.

  • What you need (materials):

    • Assorted jars of baby food (labels removed)

    • Plastic spoons

    • Paper and pens for each guest

    Before the party (preparations):

    Remove the labels from the baby food jars and number each jar.

    Prepare a list of the baby foods with their corresponding numbers as an answer key.

    How to play (instructions):

    Give each guest a spoon, paper, and pen.

    Pass the baby food jars around for guests to taste.

    Guests write down their guesses for each jar's contents.

    The person with the most correct guesses wins a prize.

  • What you need (materials):

    • Raffle tickets

    • A large box or basket for collecting diapers

    • A prize for the raffle winner

    Before the party (preparations):

    Include a note in the baby shower invitation asking each guest to bring a pack of diapers for the raffle.

    Prepare the raffle tickets and the prize.

    How to play (instructions):

    As guests arrive, collect their packs of diapers and give them a raffle ticket.

    Put all the raffle tickets in a bowl or basket.

    During the party, draw a raffle ticket and announce the winner, who will receive the prize.

  • What you need (materials):

    • Paper and pens for each guest

    • Timer

    Before the party (preparations):

    Prepare a list of categories (e.g., boy names, girl names, celebrity baby names).

    How to play (instructions):

    Hand out paper and pens to each guest.

    Announce a category and set a timer for 1-2 minutes.

    Guests write down as many names as they can think of in that category within the time limit.

    The guest with the most names wins a prize.

  • What you need (materials):

    • Clothespins or safety pins (one for each guest)

    Before the party (preparations):

    Prepare the pins and have them ready to distribute at the start of the party.

    How to play (instructions):

    As guests arrive, give each one a pin to attach to their clothing.

    Explain that if someone hears another guest say the word "baby," they can take that person's pin.

    The guest with the most pins at the end of the party wins a prize.

  • What you need (materials):

    • Baby photos of guests (submitted beforehand)

    • Numbered board or wall space to display photos

    • Paper and pens for each guest

    Before the party (preparations):

    Ask each guest to submit a baby photo of themselves before the party.

    Number the photos and display them on a board or wall.

    How to play (instructions):

    Give each guest a piece of paper and a pen.

    Guests write down their guesses for who each baby photo belongs to.

    The person with the most correct guesses wins a prize.

  • What you need (materials):

    • Various baby items (e.g., diapers, bottles, pacifiers, baby lotion)

    • Price tags or a list of prices

    • Paper and pens for each guest

    Before the party (preparations):

    Gather baby items and either label them with prices or prepare a price list.

    Make sure the prices are current and accurate.

    How to play (instructions):

    Display the baby items for everyone to see.

    Give each guest a piece of paper and a pen.

    Guests write down their guesses for the prices of each item.

    The guest with the closest total to the actual prices wins a prize.

  • What you need (materials):

    • Slips of paper with baby-related phrases or actions

    • A bowl to hold the slips

    • Timer

    Before the party (preparations):

    Write baby-related phrases or actions on slips of paper (e.g., changing a diaper, burping a baby).

    How to play (instructions):

    Divide guests into teams.

    One person from a team picks a slip from the bowl and acts out the phrase without speaking.

    Their team has a set amount of time (e.g., 1 minute) to guess the phrase.

    Alternate teams and keep score. The team with the most correct guesses wins.


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